Making Use of the HarmonySite API

Here at the London Welsh Rugby Club Choir, we are enthusiastic users of HarmonySite. Recently, we have been making use of the API that it provides to provide some useful reports for our committee meetings, and event planning.

There is a whole host of ways to use the API, but we usually use a language called Python inside a notebook from a free Google service called Colab; we have provided some instructions which should get you started below.

Prerequisites: What do you need?

  • ideally some python knowledge, but anyone with some experience of almost any programming should be able to handle it. Without that, a logical mind should get you there!
  • a google account (you already have that if you have a gmail adddress)
  • a login and password with "Data Admin" access for your website. Your webmaster (YOUR webmaster, not harmonysite) should be able to set this up for you. You should have a specific login just for this - anything else is bad security practice.

Getting Started

  1. Create a Notebook

Goto and use "File" -> "New Notebook". You can change the name if you wish up at the top left (it will be "Untitled " at the moment).

  1. Use the package we wrote to simplify access
Notebooks are divided into "cells". The first one is already there in the new notebook - just to the right of the right arrow symbol. The small package we wrote to make our lives easier isn't installed in your notebook yet, so copy the three lines below and paste them into the cell.
# get the package (because it's not in the default google colab runtime)
!pip install harmonysite
from harmonysite import HarmonySite
  1. Check it's installed

From the top menu, select "Runtime" -> "Run All" (there are quicker ways to do this, but that's for you to discover yourself later). You SHOULD get some output messages below, and what you are looking for is the last one, which should say something like "Successfully installed harmonysite". Don't worry if there is a version number after it.

  1. Check your access works
Insert a new cell (the quickest way is to just press the "+ Code" button near the top of your page). Copy the following into your new cell...

hs ='https://your_web_site/api','login','password')

Replace the website, login and password with your website and login and password you got set up earlier. You still need the quotation marks. Now do "Runtime" -> "Run All" again.

You should see a (very messy) list of the information for the first 5 events that were entered onto your harmonysite.

An aside

If you are comfortable with python, the browse method provides you with a generator. You can now use standard python to do whatever you like with the data. The method signature is def browse(table, page_number=0, page_size=5). Knock yourself out.

However, we usually make use of a data analysis tool called "pandas", which provides a neat way of formatting the data for output, merging data togther etc.

  1. Get prettier output with Pandas
Insert a new cell ("+ Code") again. Paste the following into it, and then run it.
import pandas as pd

def dataframe(table_name, filterColumns=None, idColumn='id'):
    """returns a dataframe for a complete table
    not part of standard package, to avoid unnecessary dependency
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
         hs.browse(table_name, page_number=0, page_size=9999999),
    if filterColumns:
        return df.filter(filterColumns)
    return df

events = dataframe('events')

You should see a reasonably formatted table of all the events in your harmonysite. The "def dataframe" bit adds a function to your notebook which can get any table from your harmonysite into a pandas dataframe. You just used it to pull all your events into a variable called "events", and then displayed it (and yes, I know there are shorter ways to do these things in a notebook, but this isn't a jupyter or python tutorial).

  1. Do more with pandas
Create a new cell at the bottom, and run it ...
#  only get the columns we need
events = dataframe('events', ['Title', 'start', 'Category', 'MemberTime','Food','Parking', 'Fee', 'Coordinator'])

# replace the "Category" column with the actual name of the category, not just a number
events = pd.merge(events, dataframe('eventcats', ['Name']), how='left', left_on='Category', right_index=True)
events = events.drop('Category', axis='columns').rename(columns={'Name': 'Category'})

What you have just done is to subselect columns, and then to merge two tables together. This is just the start of what you can do with pandas.

Next Steps

Our suggestion would be to start again with a new notebook, and just put the following into the first cell. Don't forget to correct the website, login and password...

# get the package (because it's not in the default google colab runtime)
!pip install harmonysite

from harmonysite import HarmonySite
import pandas as pd

hs ='https://website/api','login','password')

def dataframe(table_name, filterColumns=None, idColumn='id'):
    """returns a dataframe for a complete table
    not part of standard package, to avoid unnecessary dependency
    df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(
         hs.browse(table_name, page_number=0, page_size=9999999),
    if filterColumns:
        return df.filter(filterColumns)
    return df

And start working with pandas from there. We normally find it satisfactory to just copy and paste fropm a notebook into emails for reporting, although there is nothing to stop you generating any files if you want to.